Dear Citizens & Electors: Fulfill Your Duty
Today I read an article a friend posted about what we need to do before December 19. So I:
- clicked the link to contact the electors
- read about the electoral college on the US Government’s website
- wrote + posted my own letter to the electors (my full text below)
- signed a petition
Please take a few moments of your day to do the same.
We must do our duty to ensure our elected officials do theirs. That is democracy.
Dear Elector,
My name is Katherine from Fort Worth, TX.
As a citizen of our country and the world, I am deeply concerned and upset by Trump being elected President of the United States. I watched the results come in while in Thailand, and I immediately began to fear for the lives and rights of many of my fellow Americans as well as people around the world.
Unfortunately, we saw the fallout begin immediately — his victory that day endorsed unforgivable behavior and perspectives that we have already established violate human rights and our Constitution.
Thanks to our government’s structure, however, we can begin to mediate what’s happened thus far and prevent significant damage from being done over the course of the next four years of a Trump presidency. We ask you as members of the Electoral College to reflect both the will of the American people, who voted for Hillary Clinton with an increasing margin over Donald Trump in the popular vote, and to fulfill your duty in ensuring that the next President is a capable and qualified individual for the highest office.
Donald Trump has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he is not a capable and qualified individual for the position of President of the United States. While our media, news, and education have facilitated millions of people believing otherwise, the system of the electoral college ensures that truth and justice should prevail over misinformation and propaganda.
This is not an issue of political parties or “poor sportsmanship”: our future is not a game.
I, and millions of others, do not resist a Trump presidency on the grounds of his running as a Republican. We resist on the grounds of his inadequacy. We resist because he cannot assume the honor and responsibility of the office. We resist because he cannot be trusted with the incredible power that the title holds. The consequences of his presidency are too far-reaching to accurately scope, but recent events, his own statements and actions, and all other evidence suggests they will be tremendous and terrible.
You are the qualified citizens who now have both the knowledge and the responsibility to choose the next and the best President of the United States. Use your knowledge and expertise, and wield your responsibility wisely.
Thank you for your time and consideration, I appreciate and respect the role you serve in our electoral process.