Thoughts and Prayers — and Action
You want to send people thoughts and prayers? Fine.
But don’t stop there.
We, actually, can have a safer country.
And no, we/they really don’t want to take away all your guns. Truly.
We are just incredibly sick and tired of people (children, students, families, couples, Americans, visitors, everyone) dying
because you’ve let the NRA convince you that
> background checks
> registration
> banning certain types of weapons
means you can’t responsibly own guns to hunt with and have in your home.
You hate terrorists? You don’t want people who want to destroy the America that you love?
Great, then let’s acknowledge that angry white men qualify as terrorists too, and let’s stop giving them the weapons to commit mass murder.
We register cars and pass driving tests.
We do whatever TSA asks of us at the airport.
We want doctors to pass tests to cut us open safely.
It isn’t oppression, and it isn’t a violation of anyone’s 2nd amendment right (it’s a “well regulated militia” anyway).
Gun control is common sense and responsible public safety.
Please get on board & take action together so we can stop random, innocent people from being murdered.
Say your prayers and send your thoughts if you want to, but don’t stop there.
This was written in response to the most recent mass shooting, in Las Vegas, and after reading a friend’s essay, which I recommend reading:
Katherine works remotely while she travels the world — on the road since June 2014. If you liked this piece, please give it some *claps* below & share. Thank you!
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